July 06, 2004

Some Call It Chilltown. Looking through my referral logs I was pretty psyched to find that I had been linked by NJ.com, and then somewhat less psyched to realize that this had apparently happened a last weekend and I had missed it. But non-psychedness turned back to psychedness when I started reading the rest of Lori Key's Jersey City View, her notes on the town I call home. Lori delves deeper into my admonishments to drunk late-might PATH-riders, tries in vain to buy a 27-cent ice-cream cone in my local McDonald's, and some other stuff, of course. The nj.com deal is one of, like, seven blogs Lori has, including a very entertaining one about her publishing career. If that doesn't excite you, she also apparently takes pictures of local fires.

And speaking of Jersey City, it's always a good time to check up on Mr. Tris McCall, who's always writing something or singing in a local club or giving his take on Moneyball or something else that makes me feel like even more of a shiftless slug. He's good people.

And while I'm on the subject, Jeff Jarvis is definitely the king of the JC bloggers, which isn't exactly a hard-fought competition, Amy and Jeff from Brand New Key always seem to have a lot of interesting stuff going on, I'm pretty sure that Susanna of Cut on the Bias lives here, and The Tin Man has a new logo and a pile of old Buffy reviews, so that has to be worth something.
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