April 03, 2003

Update - for some reason, the template is only keeping one post upfront, clearly not what is called for.
Update 2 - trying with the default now.
Update 3 - maybe I fixed it. an open SPAN or DIV looks like the problem.
Update 4 - I'd like to thank Ken for the two round trip tickets to the greater Bayonne municipal area, but regrettably, I'm already booked into a home yogurt makers convention (I'll be giving a presentation on deveoping household strains of live cultures from common household molds, algaes, and fungi such as red bloom and black mold). I would like to note that Ken's housekeeping skills have been invaluable in developing this presentation. Thanks buddy!
Update 5 - cheez, it's back. *&^%$#@#!!
Update 6 - that's better. Say, ain't he got the cutest mug?
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