February 26, 2002

While Brian Linse of Ain’t No Bad Dude hangs out in London with the Samizdata folks, presumably roaming the streets like some modern-day Clockwork Orange Droogs, he hasn’t let his site lay fallow, like so many of us lesser bloggers would. Instead he’s given the keys to newcomer Stephanie Dupont, and while she’s still getting the hang of the whole blogging thing, I can safely say she’s doing a bang-up job.
So, as I understand it, I'm supposed to find time to read a whole bunch of other people's off the wall opinons and then write about how I agree or disagree with them and do the thingie so people who don't know what I'm talking about can click on it to see what I'm talking about. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!! and I'm sorry I'm yelling, but if I was to say I agreed with something Natalie Solent said, for instance, would other people write about how Stephanie agreed with Natalie but they disagreed and put things in so you could click on both of us? What does the next person do? Agree with the disagreement on the agreement? Is this some kind of internet click letter?
Stephanie offers the fresh perspective that blogging so sorely needs these days. In fact, I can safely say that this is the best corporate expansion since a man even more famous and powerful than Brian hired an associate a few years back. Brian, feel free to extend that stay!
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