February 06, 2002

Play Ball! Go Mariners! Ah, yes, spring is most definitely on its way. Pitchers and catchers report in about a week, Steven Den Beste spotted a college baseball game on a local cable channel, and WFAN Sports Radio callers have stopped bitching about the Jets and are starting to bitch about the Mets. Baseball’s my favorite sport, and I’m sure the same is true for a lot of bloggers out there. Heck, back in December Matt Welch even raised the idea of a spiritual connection between blogging and baseball guru Bill James.

Therefore, in the spirit of the season and competition, I am proposing the idea of an official Bloggers Baseball Fantasy League: 12 or so feisty know-it-alls battling it out for blogger bragging rights. I personally enjoy a nice AL-only head-to-head league, and I’ve had good experiences with CBS Sportsline’s leagues, but those are all details to be worked out later.

So if anybody out there’s interested in starting a BBFL, write to me at kengoldstein@hotmail.com, and we’ll get the ball rolling.

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