February 27, 2002

James Lileks to Simpsons producers: Please stop. (Yes, I know that James posted an excellent screed today, but I figure everybody will be linking to that, so I wanted to focus on his lear-ned [Homer: It's pronounced 'learned'. Pepe: I love you Papa Homer. Homer: I love you too Pepsi.] takedown of the current Simpsons season.

Oh, I can't resist. Here's a brief excerpt from today's Screed about Matthew Engel's simplistic "I understand the heartland of America because I once ate at an Olive Garden" Guardian piece:
Europeans are inclined to think that the Americans, having been late for the last two world wars, are determined to be early for the next one.

Damned witty, Wilde. Damned witty! Deuce it all! Look: we were “late” for the last world wars like a policeman is usually late for a murder. One could easily say that Europeans are determined to be late for the next world war because they’re still feeling guilty about the last time some nutcases wanted to slaughter all the Jews. Except, of course, they’re not guilty at all. That was all Hitler’s fault. He had that big shiny hypnotism coin from the novelty catalog, and everyone just fell in his power.
Go read it, right now.
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