January 05, 2002

Everything changed forever, and then changed right back.

In case you're wondering when exactly everything will once again be like it was, the FBI has named March 11 as the official date:

U.S. to remain on high alert till March 11
WASHINGTON (AP) — The government has called on law enforcement personnel across the nation to remain vigilant against domestic terrorism until March 11, extending a standing alert through the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

So apparently as of March 12, law enforcement officials will no longer have to be vigilant against terrorist acts. Whew! That's a relief!

Other signs of the complete reversion (Project 9/10): Zacarias Moussaoui wants trial shown on TV and brittle Secret Service agents claiming discrimination, making life even more difficult for the Job-like American Airlines.

Great show of support by Bush there, by the way. Three freaking days earlier Richard Reid tries to blow up an American Airlines flight, and Bush basically hangs AA out to dry for the horrible crime of making a suspicious passenger take a later flight, saying he stands by his agent and would be "madder than heck" if it turns out the agent's ethnicity played any part in the incident. Nothing like adding the fear of frivolous anti-discrimination lawsuits to the mix to really improve airline security. The fact that a man who is supposed to put the protection of the President above even his own life is doing this is an absolute disgrace.
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